Test Prep

Preparing for an exam can be really stressful. Being prepared for the exam can relieve that stress.

I offer test preparation services in certain categories for the following exams:

ACT: The ACT is a standardized test to determine a high school graduate's preparation for college-level work. It covers four areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning.

SAT: The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. Introduced in 1926, its name and scoring have changed several times; originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, it was later called the Scholastic Assessment Test, then the SAT I: Reasoning Test, then the SAT Reasoning Test, and now, simply the SAT.

GED: The GED or High School Equivalency Certificate shows that you have a level of knowledge equivalent to a high school graduate. GED stands for General Education Development or General Education Diploma. The GED is an internationally recognized test.

GRE: The GRE stands for Graduate Record Examinations, here specifically the GRE General Test administered by ETS (Educational Testing Service), a not-for-profit company. The exam is used to assess students' Quantitative and Verbal aptitudes and is required for admission to many graduate programs.

CLEP: CLEP (the College-Level Examination Program®) offers 33 exams that cover intro-level college course material. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, you could earn three or more college credits at more than 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities.

CLEP was created to help individuals with prior knowledge in a college course subject earn their degree efficiently and inexpensively. That prior learning could have taken place through advanced high school courses, independent reading and study, online courseware or textbooks, noncredit courses, or on-the-job training.
Dantes/ DSST: DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program.

The program is an extensive series of 30+ examinations in college subject areas that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in undergraduate college courses.

These tests are frequently used in conjunction with CLEP (College Level Examination Program) tests by students pursuing college degrees in non-traditional formats. Whereas CLEP tests are almost exclusively used for lower level credit at regionally accredited institutions, DSST's are available for both upper and lower level credit.